Saturday, November 7, 2009

HR System Overivew (3)

Continuing our discussion on hr system overview previously.

Remuneration System
Component hereinafter from HR system cycle is remuneration. Remuneration decision must considers several things for as: Job Value that got from process Job Analysis / Job Evaluation, continued by compare to market price at similar Job Value at industry of a kind. Discussion Fundamental remunerasi is discipline that length, wide and quite complicated, we will try discuss separately, as this topic would impossible to be discussed at one posting.

Performance Management.
Hereinafter in order to ensure that employees always focuses in running its responsibilities, then Performance Management take a part, where here we arrange how to plan, execute, monitor of employees performance, and also giving reward and consequences to high and under performers. Performance Management that either will harmonize all employees efforts in supporting unit target and company target in performance indicators that align.

Competency Development.
Performance review process will produce value at performance and employees interest. Here, companies that want to expanded, accountable for developing employees competencies through training, education, special assignment in order to employees fill the insuffiency gap on performance. On this side of this you must decide what/wheter of focus to develop "strength" someone or of focus to close "weakness" a employees. This two citadels different competency development. We will discuss also later.

In order to company can sustain, company must reserve expense for Competency Development. CD Program is conducted at 3 areas:

1. Filling the gap (need development competencies)
2. Strengthen competencies (at corporate values or at strength competencies)
3. Preparing future competencies, in accordance with future corporate business/ strategy

You can formulate portion from the three of area above according to appetite and company business strategy. For example, if its corporate strategy is Divest or Harvest, of course Anda must give portion more on Area number 3. Nevertheless if business Anda is Grow, then focus in number area 1 worth considering.

I think we need to take a break now. We will continue this overview at one next posting next week. Hopefully will be able to give picture enough .

Kiki Sudiana

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