Tuesday, November 10, 2009

HR System Overivew (2)

Continuing my first posting about HR System Overview, we'll try to discuss model that I depict beside this.

Organization Management.
This model intentionally I start with component OM (Organization Management) as medial circle. This condition implieses very crucial position for company that want to develop HR System, that must be started by developing of OM properly. What is that OM ? simply OM can be interpreted as organization structure completed with its formation and each position has been provided with its position attribute like Job title, rank, job description, job mission, authority, competency required, KPI etc. To get good OM, You need to have more study on Organization Development discipline.

Human Resources Information System
Near component OM there is small article HRIS that is elongation from Human Resources Information System. That means all components HRIS and all HR components System will be far easier managed constructively HRIS and can be told HRIS are enabler from HR System. So are we started to plasticity the difference HR System with HRIS ?

Hereinafter we discuss HR cycle this System.

First Cycle is started with Recruit System. In order to be effective, Recruit this musti tie with the OM ?You will never be able recruit people effectively without knowing the its position requirement, authority, responsibility, personal interests. With data of formation amount and position amount that provided HRIS, will be seen position amount that must filled. So, the systemic thinking sounds to be started, right ?

Hopefully this posting quite informative make Anda. Follow next posting, I will strive consistence writes every week.

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