Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Alternatif PA : Force Distribution & Forced Rank

Di dalam praktek penilaian kinerja, masih banyak yang mempersepsikan bahwa forced distribution dan forced ranking adalah hal yang sama. Pada kenyataannya hal tersebut adalah berbeda. Berikut adalah sari pemahaman yang diambil dari Dick Grote dalam bukunya Forced Ranking; Making Performance Management Work.

Kedua metode, forced distribution dan forced ranking, digunakan dalam suatu kondisi dimana proses penilaian tidak berjalan dengan obyektif, sehingga terjadi inflasi penilaian dimana hampir seluruh pegawai mendapatkan nilai yang tinggi. Dalam kondisi demikian, organisasi perlu menerapkan “alat” yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan kategorisasi kinerja pegawai mengingat nilai kinerja dapat digunakan sebagai dasar proses pengelolaan pegawai lainnya.
Forced Distribusi atau terjemahan bebasnya distribusi paksa adalah suatu distribusi yang disepakati oleh organisasi untuk diterapkan pada suatu populasi, dalam hal ini untuk penilaian kinerja, untuk tujuan menyusun kategorisasi kinerja pegawai. Dengan menggunakan distribusi yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya, penilai akan memiliki pedoman kuantitas pegawai yang akan mendapatkan nilai tertentu dibandingkan dengan jumlah pegawai dalam populasi.

Distribusi paksa adalah merupakan penilaian yang berdasarkan perbandingan absolut (absolut comparisons) antara standar yang ditetapkan dengan hasil kinerja pegawai. Dengan demikian penilai akan melakukan penilaian hasil kinerja pegawai dengan kriteria yang sudah dijadikan standar. Contoh dari distribusi yang umumnya digunakan adalah:
  • Distinguished 5%
  • Superior 20%
  • Good Solid Performer 50%
  • Needs Improvement 20%
  • Unsatisfactory 5%

Terdapat dua permasalahan utama yang dikemukakan oleh Grote dalam penerapan distribusi ini, pertama, distribusi yang diterapkan kurang memiliki fleksibilitas. Dalam suatu kasus dalam suatu populasi yang jumlah pegawainya 100, maka penilai tidak akan dapat memberikan nilai distinguished lebih dari 5 pegawai. Dalam penerapan distribusi di atas, yang merupakan mirroring dari bell curve, permasalahan yang terjadi adalah penilaian manusia tidak selamanya selalu sama dengan bell curve. Pertama, karena kurva ini hanya dapat diterapkan kepada populasi dengan jumlah tertentu, dan yang kedua agar implementasinnya valid maka distribusinya harus dilakukan secara acak.

Padahal propulasi pegawai tidak dapat diacak misalnya penerimaan, promosi atau pengembangan pegawai dilakukan setiap kandidat yang ke 14, tetapi dilakukan secara masing-masing individu.
Untuk mengimplementasikan konsep forced distribution, Grote menyarankan adanya fleksibilitas dalam penilaian kinerja, sehingga distribusi yang ditawarkan tidak diterapkan secara rigid tetapi melalui fleksibilitas tertentu, yaitu:
  • Distinguished 5% maximum
  • Superior 20 - 30%
  • Good Solid Performer 50 - 60%
  • Needs Improvement 10 - 15%
  • Unsatisfactory 2 - 5%
Mengapa angka 2% disarankan, ini adalah untuk menjaga tingkat turnover pegawai dalam suatu rate tertentu setiap tahunnya.

Forced ranking adalah konsep penilaian yang menggunakan proses meranking dari seluruh pegawai dalam populasi. Berbeda dengan forced distribution yang absolut, forced ranking merupakan penilaian relatif antara satu pegawai dengan pegawai yang lainnya (person to person evaluation). Mekanisme yang dilakukan adalah melakukan perbandingan terhadap seluruh pegawai di suatu unit kerja untuk diperoleh ranking pegawai.

Kemudian ranking tersebut dikelompokkan sesuai dengan skim yang ditetapkan misalnya Top 20%, Vital 70% dan Bottom 10%, sehingga apabila total jumlah pegawai adalah 100, maka akan diperoleh 20 pegawai yang dikategorikan sebagai Top, 70 orang yang dikategorikan sebagai pegawai vital dan 10 pegawai yang dikategorikan sebagai bottom.

Kedua metode sama baiknya sepanjang diterapkan secara konsisten dan filosofinya dipahami oleh pengguna. Implementasi salah satu metode ini tetap akan membawa resistensi yang dapat disebabkan oleh banyak hal. Satu hal yang paling terpenting untuk mendukung governance pelaksanaan adalah pengguna, atau pimpinan satuan kerja. Sistem dan metode hanya sebuah alat, implementasinya dikembalikan lagi kepada pengguna.

Sumber: http://Rudisule.blogspot.com

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Performance Appraisal Cycle

Performance appraisal doesn't start with the form, it starts with the jobplanning what needs to be done and figuring out how it will be accomplished.

Dick Grote, wrote in his book, The Complete Guide to Performance Appraissal, that there is an ideal cycle. He wrote that, the ideal performance appraisal cycle is thus a five-phase process, beginning after the organization has established its corporate strategy and overall direction.

Phase I: Performance Planning
The appraiser and appraisee meet to plan the upcoming year. In their discussion(s) they come to agreement about five major areas:
  1. The key accountabilities of the subordinate's jobthe major areas within which the subordinate is responsible for getting results
  2. The specific objectives the subordinate will achieve within each accountability area
  3. The standards that will be used to evaluate how well the subordinate has achieved each objective
  4. The performance factors, competencies, or behaviors that will be critical in determining how the results will be achieved
  5. The elements of the development plan the subordinate will complete during the year

Phase II: Performance Execution
Over the course of the year the subordinate executes the plan agreed to in Phase I. During this time the supervisor is responsible for ongoing feedback and coaching. Elements of the plan that become obsolete are abandoned by mutual agreement; new objectives to respond to changing conditions are established.

Phase III: Performance Assessment
Appraiser and appraisee independently evaluate the degree to which the different elements of the plan were achieved. The manager completes an assessment of the subordinate's performance (the classic performance appraisal report card) and typically has it reviewed and approved by senior management and human resources personnel before discussing it with the subordinate. In an ideal system, the subordinate also completes a self-assessment, collecting data, if necessary, from customers, peers, subordinates, and others.

The subordinate may submit the self-appraisal to the manager to be used as part of the manager's overall assessment, or the manager and the subordinate may review each other's appraisal of the subordinate's performance concurrently as part of the Phase IV discussion.

Phase IV: Performance Review
The appraiser and appraisee meet to review their appraisals. They discuss the results that were achieved and the performance factors that contributed to their accomplishment. Phase III was the creation of the report card; Phase IV is its delivery and discussion. Their discussion includes:

  • Results achieved (what was done)
  • Performance or behavioral effectiveness (how it was done)
  • Overall performance assessment
  • Development progress
At this meeting the appraiser may discuss compensation changes, or this discussion may be held during a separate meeting at a different time. (Chapter 14 focused on the relationship between pay and performance appraisal and the benefits and disadvantages of combining the pay and appraisal discussions.)

Phase V: Performance Renewal and Recontracting
Phase V repeats Phase 1, incorporating the additional data and insights gained during the previous appraisal process. The manager and subordinate revise any of the subordinate's key accountabilities that may have changed over the year and set new objectives and standards for the upcoming appraisal period. Finally, they create updated development goals and action plans.

The performance management cycle that Dick Grote wrotes, reinforces a critical concept: Before even the most preliminary activities that are commonly considered part of the performance appraisal process can be undertaken, the organization must first have its mission clearly defined. If the organization doesn't know where it wants to go, herculean efforts on the part of organization members won't provide direction.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

HR System Overivew (4)

This posting is intended to be my last posting on HR System Overview.

Career Management. Hereinafter there is sub system Career Management. For company that wish to maintain its employees in 'rather' longterm, then must provide a clear career system for its employees. Clear career path needs to be exist, mechanism of cadidate selection should be also clear and clear decision making and consistence and requirement for promotion, mutation, demosi that transparent. Without clear career system, don't hope your employees will forbear staying go along way in company or moreover, they go along way in company at the same time ngomel-ngomel and influence its friend, that there is no career in this company.

Time & Travel. This sub sistems ia about travel arrangement, office hour, flexi-time policy, overtime, annual leave, pilgrimateleave, nuptials leave (the first one), suspension, sick leave, self-supporting education leave, important reason leave, long and no pay leave etc. All must be arranged in details and comprehensive. Sometime inconsequential things like this otherwise arranged in detail and implemented consistently and uniform, will generate employees dissatisfactions. Strive to arrange it in clear and consistence.

Exit System. Exit door from company not merely to be only pension, right? It can be from discipline penalization, voluntarily resign, Golden shakehand, silver shakehand, die, [be] passed away, enfeebled, termination due to under perform, Termination due to company condition etc. A lot of exit door exist right ?.. And You, as HR Management, are the one to resposible to formulate it one by one, how condition (go into effect-its requirement), rights that will be accepted employees and also obligation that must finished employees before exit. Don't forget to enhance some arrangement clauses if employees not finish its obligation before resign.

All sub systems that discussed this will be able to walk easily and well implemented if helped by HRIS (Human Resources Information System) and your company have regulation clear Discipline, and Norms, Values and also strong and positive Corporate Culture .

I stoped discussion this overview till here. My next postings will focused on important features that must paid attention in every existing sub system.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

HR System Overivew (2)

Continuing my first posting about HR System Overview, we'll try to discuss model that I depict beside this.

Organization Management.
This model intentionally I start with component OM (Organization Management) as medial circle. This condition implieses very crucial position for company that want to develop HR System, that must be started by developing of OM properly. What is that OM ? simply OM can be interpreted as organization structure completed with its formation and each position has been provided with its position attribute like Job title, rank, job description, job mission, authority, competency required, KPI etc. To get good OM, You need to have more study on Organization Development discipline.

Human Resources Information System
Near component OM there is small article HRIS that is elongation from Human Resources Information System. That means all components HRIS and all HR components System will be far easier managed constructively HRIS and can be told HRIS are enabler from HR System. So are we started to plasticity the difference HR System with HRIS ?

Hereinafter we discuss HR cycle this System.

First Cycle is started with Recruit System. In order to be effective, Recruit this musti tie with the OM ?You will never be able recruit people effectively without knowing the its position requirement, authority, responsibility, personal interests. With data of formation amount and position amount that provided HRIS, will be seen position amount that must filled. So, the systemic thinking sounds to be started, right ?

Hopefully this posting quite informative make Anda. Follow next posting, I will strive consistence writes every week.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

HR System Overivew (3)

Continuing our discussion on hr system overview previously.

Remuneration System
Component hereinafter from HR system cycle is remuneration. Remuneration decision must considers several things for as: Job Value that got from process Job Analysis / Job Evaluation, continued by compare to market price at similar Job Value at industry of a kind. Discussion Fundamental remunerasi is discipline that length, wide and quite complicated, we will try discuss separately, as this topic would impossible to be discussed at one posting.

Performance Management.
Hereinafter in order to ensure that employees always focuses in running its responsibilities, then Performance Management take a part, where here we arrange how to plan, execute, monitor of employees performance, and also giving reward and consequences to high and under performers. Performance Management that either will harmonize all employees efforts in supporting unit target and company target in performance indicators that align.

Competency Development.
Performance review process will produce value at performance and employees interest. Here, companies that want to expanded, accountable for developing employees competencies through training, education, special assignment in order to employees fill the insuffiency gap on performance. On this side of this you must decide what/wheter of focus to develop "strength" someone or of focus to close "weakness" a employees. This two citadels different competency development. We will discuss also later.

In order to company can sustain, company must reserve expense for Competency Development. CD Program is conducted at 3 areas:

1. Filling the gap (need development competencies)
2. Strengthen competencies (at corporate values or at strength competencies)
3. Preparing future competencies, in accordance with future corporate business/ strategy

You can formulate portion from the three of area above according to appetite and company business strategy. For example, if its corporate strategy is Divest or Harvest, of course Anda must give portion more on Area number 3. Nevertheless if business Anda is Grow, then focus in number area 1 worth considering.

I think we need to take a break now. We will continue this overview at one next posting next week. Hopefully will be able to give picture enough .

Kiki Sudiana

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Overview Integrated HR Systems

HR System
HR System still is still seldom become fundamental discussion. When you searching in google with keyword HR System, then majority that emerge most is HRIS (Human Resources Information System).

I try deepen this discipline. Interesting, because here we try to clarify the business process of HR and try to explain the black box and compile its component one by one until become a fair system, that motivate employees and support company in its goal achievement. And I try enhance word "Integrated" at this discipline. It's likely snugly with desired philosophy. Or at least sounds cool, right ? :-)

What that HR System ? Hmm I have not yet found a definition sure yet. Several 'species' that close to HR System for example is HR Cycle, this my feel less in only cycle talking. It's likely has not yet expressed existence of specific target gone to.. only show stream 'ace it flows'.

There is also that call it HR Procedures. Yeah this fair to middling near. Nevertheless if we only write down procedure without certain philosophy, without specific target and dependability by other HR processes, seem you will be sheering off the role of HR as Strategic Partner.

According to my understanding, HR System is a set of HR processes that made systematical and integrated between one and other. As the same manner as a system, then expected HR System can depict a clear process business, each other related and have positive resultant in supporting company target.

As [the] picture early, I depict Integrated HR System model as follows:

From model that I depict above, has started seen components from this HR System ? We will try to discuss one by one, complete with supporting system and detail-its discussion one by one. Kindly, follow my next postings.

Success & Benediction for You, Salam. @Kiki Sudiana